(Winhex) Elertify 1.4.1

Thảo luận trong 'Phần mềm BlackBerry' bắt đầu bởi Xinian, 30/3/11.

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  1. Xinian New Member

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    Elertify your PC with Text to Speech!

    Do you work with your BlackBerry and a PC?

    Are you tired of picking up your BlackBerry® every 15 seconds to check messages only to discover it's ad from Ed's Furniture Company or another silly joke from Aunt Kathy?

    Now you can preview messages while you work on your PC with Elertify!

    Elertify can display a popup message on your PC when you receive incoming Email, SMS and Phone calls on your BlackBerry. You can even hear who's calling, texting, or emailing you by using the built in voice synthesizer!

    Elertify lets you choose which types of messages you want to receive: Email, SMS or phone calls.

    You can set the popup display time and whether you want the voice synthesizer or a ringtone to play when you receive a message. You might even turn off the popups altogether and just listen to the voice synthesizer.

    NEW! Use ElertiLink to connect multiple computers to Elertify from one BlackBerry!

    NEW! Use the built in Contact Manager to store frequently used email, phone numbers and PIN addresses on the PC.

    NEW! Elertify now supports devices with WiFi! Send and receive messages with no cables!

    NEW! Elertify now supports sending and replying to Email, SMS, and PIN messages right from your PC! Just click on the popup message or select "Send Message" from the Elertify tray icon.

    NEW! Download premium voices for use with Elertify with high quality voice synthesis!

    Now you won't have to look at your BlackBerry unless you really want to.

    Forget about complicated Bluetooth configurations that drain your battery!

    Elertify works via USB or WiFi and is for the PC only. Just start it up and you're good to go!

    You must install both the BlackBerry and Windows software to use Elertify.

    If you use your PC a lot, you need Elertify!

    * NEW! BBM Notifications (No Reply)
    * Connect to multiple computers with ElertiLink!
    * Contact Manager!
    * Connect using WiFi!
    * Send Email, SMS and PIN Messages from your PC!
    * Use Cepstral premium voices!
    * View Last Message
    * Popup Message with Sender & Subject
    * Voice Synthesizer or Ringtones
    * USB Auto Connect Option
    * Auto Run at Startup
    * Suspend Option
    * Save Time - Stop checking your Berry
    * USB cable Charges your BlackBerry
    * No complicated Bluetooth setup
    * It's cool - impress your friends!
    * Stay on top of your messages
    * Push Technology is fast!

    Minimum requirements:
    Operating System
    4.2, 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 Non-Touch, 4.7 Touch Screen, 5.0 Non-Touch, 5.0 Touch Screen, 6.0 Non-Touch, 6.0 Touch Screen


  2. awp1323

    awp1323 Member

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    nghe giới thiệu hay đây, nhưng mình để máy ở cạnh máy tính rồi, có tin nhắn hay mail là có chuông hoặc rung, đâu cần phải chốc 1 cầm máy lên xem có j k? Mà nếu k để ý thì đã có đèn led :D
    Dù sao cũng thanks bạn đã giới thiệu:)
  3. alamri

    alamri New Member

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    cool , i will try it and álso try to winhet it :D

    thank ya
  4. Tran Cong

    Tran Cong Member

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    great application, thanks for sharing :-bd
  5. scorpione

    scorpione Active Member

    Tham gia:
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    Quan trọng là với người nào có BIS/BES, sử dụng email thường xuyên, thấy báo có tín hiệu email/sms tới mở ra thì lại là tin nhắn rác, email spam này nọ thì rất là mất công. Cái này sẽ hiện email/sms lên màn hình để khỏi phải rờ tới máy nếu như biết là sms rác hay email spam. Với ai sử dụng holster và chức năng khóa bàn phím khi để trong holster thì biết cái tiện lợi :D

    @Xinian: thank you :)
  6. guntx

    guntx MC Phan Anh

    Tham gia:
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    Được thích:
    BB Model:
    8820 AT-T
    toàn TA nước ngoài, dạo này nhác đọc quá,nhìn thấy là hoa mắt.hehe
  7. dragonred

    dragonred New Member

    Tham gia:
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    great application, thanks
  8. mitvan

    mitvan Member

    Tham gia:
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    BB Model:

    Are you tired of picking up your BlackBerry® every 15 seconds to check messages only to discover it's ad from Ed's Furniture Company or another silly joke from Aunt Kathy?

    hoá ra cái soft để tiết kiêm vài s đọc message :)) :)) :)) :)) :))
    đúng là dân Tây nó biết quí thời gian và công nhận chúng nó lắm mail+sms (15s/cái), chứ như VN 7h đi làm 9h vẫn cafe thì =)) =)) =)) =))
  9. scorpione

    scorpione Active Member

    Tham gia:
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    Được thích:
    Đã test, chạy rất good, nhưng mà load trong JDE 9800 thì im re :(( reply/send bằng soft trên computer thì không được.
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